Monday, August 31, 2015

Custom Made Bead Bracelet

After putting a lot of work hours, this project has finally come to an end. I have learned a lot in the process and had lots of fun doing every single thing about it.

The customer wanted a rustic look for the silver, so I added a little bite of ammonia to darken the natural tone of the silver, then I sand it leaving some areas a little brigther than other, this will give a great volume and depth effect to the bead.

Here is the final result:

silver foxes, literally!

This will be heading to California this week in two awesome and very fashionable bracelets:

silver fox bracelets

The whole process of making beads is enchanting, and next week I will have my first Aleksei Skull Bracelet, I would probably make another post about it next week!

Casting process

Still have tons of work to do, but since time is precious I have to do it wisely, life has open me some doors with great opportunities, all of this is telling me that I am on the right path to succeed!

What is success? 

I will talk all about it on my next post :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Free for All

It has been a while since the last time I posted, but I have a good reason, my office job has changed it's way of work so these past days have been very time consuming.

I started this week with some cool shots from Finland! It is so rewarding when customers show their love!

facing dragons

custom made spartan bracelet

Meanwhile at the jewelry workshop, tons of stuff are happening, good stuff!

Brass anchors and silver skull

New rubber molds are coming and new designs with them! Making my own beads it's what will eventually set me apart from others bracelet makers, what will make my brand special and unique.

But... workshop work is not the only work! (I wish!) showing the products is a great part of it, share them on all social media and make sure to reach as many people as possible. That's why it is so important to have a little fun!


"Don't let any part of your dream job to be boring or dull"

Much work is coming, ideas are materializing, organizing is the key, everyone says, and I thing it's true! Time is precious!